2014-12-11 Hacking Baofeng RF Module

*This week Steve KB8STB will be talking about the chip that is the heart of

the BAOFENG series of cheap HTs.  Hacking them for manual control and a

repackaging of it into a module that is easily used for multiple different


------======= Additional Notes from Steve =======------

Fellow Thursday nighters...

Those of you who  missed the meeting, or wish to do further study of the

chips and modules discussed tonight: I submit the following links.

1. For information about Repeaters and ham use of commercial radio gear...

The Repeater Builder Technical Information Page


*The repeater-builder Yahoogroup that is associated with this web site has

over 5,200 members worldwide and is a tremendous resource of technical

knowledge on repeaters and repeater-building, be they amateur, commercial,

GMRS, public safety, CAP, or ...*

This is the email reflector which contained the messages about replacing a

crystal with a synthesized rf source.

2. KK6BWA http://elazary.com/ web page with articles about "Hacking the


     On the left of his page is a TOPIC called Ham

     Then follow the links to "Baofeng Radios"

     Most of the material we looked at is under the #5 Article Titled

"Hacking the Baofeng UV5R"

      This series of web pages includes links to:

            Chirp Programing Software

            UV5R schematics

            Information about disassembling  the radio

            The EM78P568 Microcontroller

            And the RDA1846 "single chip transceiver for walkie talkie"

(which can be purchased in single quantities for about $5.50 each

3. Finally, the DORJI High Power Voice Transceiver Module


     This is the module that is based on the RDA1846 chip

     Follow the links on the right of this page for info on:

     the VHF and UHF versions

     Application circuit

     and other programming and control documents

     These modules are available on Ebay for $11-14 each

     Search Ebay for either "dra808" or "dra818"  i was searching for

     "DORJI" at the meeting and got poor results

     OR try viewing the Ebay Store for seller DORJIGROUP


(Note: DORJIGROUP may not be selling)

Just noticed that they sell an Arduino 433MHz transceiver module with

a "DRF1278f" chip on it... could a HAM remove that chip and put the RDA1846

in its place and have an Arduino controlled UHF transceiver???

Thank you all fro your interest, hope this info has/will inspire some of

you to experiment and have some fun with radio!!
